Welcome, Students!
You have chosen to be part of a diverse and vibrant community centered around natural medicine. We are excited to have you join us!
Since 1956, NUNM has been a leader and an innovator. As the parent institution of naturopathic programs taught across North America, NUNM has educated and trained Naturopathic Physicians, Chinese Medicine practitioners, researchers, and integrative healthcare providers for nearly 70 years. Graduates from our programs are advancing the science and practice of natural health care and research in communities around the world.
Whether we are students, faculty, or staff, each of us at NUNM plays a critical role in achieving our mission, and we are here to uplift one another throughout this journey.
In the months and years ahead, your program’s faculty will challenge and support you. Your success depends not only on your commitment to do the hard work required of your courses, but also on your curiosity for personal exploration and growth. In these ways you will empower yourself, find clarity of purpose, communicate authentically, and become your best self. I encourage you to pause at each milestone along the way to reflect and celebrate your growth in knowledge, skills, and character.
Meaningful transformation begins here, I can attest to that. As an alumna (‘05) of the ND and CCM programs, I am deeply committed to this university and its mission. As your president, I am honored to welcome you into our community of belonging.
I wish you all the best on your educational journey. If you see me around campus or in a virtual meeting, please say hello.
In Health,

Melanie Henriksen, ND, LAc, CNM