CM* 911 - Classical Texts I: Introduction to Classical Chinese Language and the Chinese Classical Texts Credit(s): 3.00
The Classical Texts series deepens the student’s understanding of the cultural and philosophical background of Chinese medicine through careful translation and analysis of selected classical texts. These texts are presented to students both in their original written form and in literal translations, so that students will gain a deeper understanding of both the vocabulary and the texture of Chinese philosophy, and hence of the unique style of medicine that evolved from it. The first three courses (Classical Texts I-III) introduce the basics of classical Chinese and various language tools and skills that allow students to work with Chinese medical texts written in their original language for academic pursuits or clinical research.
The next three courses (Neijing Seminars) focus on translation of portions of the Huangdi Neijing黃帝内經 with an emphasis on understanding the clinical insights revealed by this seminal text of Chinese medicine. The final three courses (Shanghanlun/Jingui Yaolüe) focus on translation of the Shanghanlun 傷寒論and Jingui Yaolüe 金匱要略.
CM 911 is the first of three introductory Classical Texts courses taught over the first year of the CCM curriculum. Overall, Classical Text I aims to introduce students to pinyin (romanization system for standard Chinese), basic classical Chinese grammar and syntax, etymology of Chinese characters, and basic Chinese medical terminology. This course also introduces students to the key concepts and theories of the Huangdi Neijing 黃帝内經.
Prerequisite(s): These courses are to be taken in the ordered sequence Prerequisite(s): These courses are to be taken in the ordered sequence
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