OCM 660 - CCM: Herbal Therapeutics I (Orthopedics, Traumatology, Pain) Credit(s): 1
The six-quarter Chinese Clinical Medicine (CCM) course sequence covers a variety of topics in the areas of orthopedics/traumatology/pain; internal medicine; eye, ear, nose, and throat (EENT); respiratory; gastrointestinal
(GI); hepatobiliary; dermatological; obstetric (OB); gynecological (GYN); pediatric; and geriatric disorders.
Students study the disease process from the perspective of Chinese medicine and the strategies used to arrest that process, restore health, and support the system to prevent illness in the future. Chinese medicine disease
categories are studied according to their pathophysiology and most common presenting patterns to facilitate accurate Chinese medical diagnosis. Treatment strategies, including acupuncture point prescriptions and herbal
formulas, are discussed along with concepts of treatment planning, case management, and continuity of care. Emergency care and urgent care considerations are addressed where appropriate as part of the larger issue of
referral and collaborative care. Classical texts (e.g., Huang Di Nei Jing, Shang Han Lun, Jin Gui Yao Lue, Wen Bing Xue) and modern, biomedical concepts are referenced as necessary to facilitate clinical understanding.
(Note: students in the MAc program do not take Herbal Therapeutics I-VIII.) Prerequisite(s): OIM521, OIM522, OIM523 Corequisite(s): OCM621, OCM640, OIM551
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